Welcome to my blog where I aim to upload snap shots of recent weddings.
You can view my full website at www.rogerbrownphotography.com

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Back to the future

I was recently looking through my photography cupboard and found my trusty old Pentax 67s. I used them on countless fashion and portrait shoots.  Even on a few weddings, when the mood took me. Finding them sparked something inside me, which I can only describe as getting nostalgic for the good old days of film.  A time when being a photographer was as skill that was acquired over time.  Loads of test shoots and reading everything you could grab on the subject was the way you learnt.  Not the off the shelf, one size fits all, crash course that seems to be prevalent now.  Don't get me wrong digital is fantastic, but unfortunately it has opened up the flood gates to a batch of very mediocre photographers, who armed with their styled shoots, that are set up for them to go out there and proclaim that they are photographers.  Its definitely making it harder to find work, but you have to differentiate yourself.  This is the reason why I am going back to using film on wedding shoots.  I am not turning my back on digital.  Its great in situations where you have to be mobile and photograph movement in tricky lighting.  My 67s will come into action on more static portraits.  The fall off in depth of field is second to none and the rendition of skin tones is far more natural.  Silver based back and white prints are just in a different league.  The sample image was taken at a friends wedding with a 90mm lens at 2.8.  As you can see the depth of focus is lovely and the tones so smooth.  It will cost a bit more to get processed if anyone still is out there with a darkroom.  I don't miss the smelly chemicals though.

My gorgeous old 67.  Love the old style wooden handle.  Ha ha wood in a camera!!!  No light meter, just a handheld meter.  Crikey!! I wonder what would happen if you gave one of these to a student