Well here we go with my first ever Blog. I promise that I'll be good and try and get one image up every week and explain my philosophy about how good quality wedding photography should look, and why bride and grooms should always go that bit extra to get some outstanding images from the day.
It's too much of a risk to take with someone who does it part time at weekends just because they have a nice camera and can take the odd good photograph. It's about consistency and being able to produce at least 100 images that will look great in an album.
Here's just one image from a December wedding that I attended. Hopefully you will agree with me that this image has what is the most important element of photography – timing, or as Cartier Bresson called it, 'the decisive moment'. It's these kind of those moments when you have to think fast and be ready. A second later and the girl was gone leaving behind her engrossed companions!
It's too much of a risk to take with someone who does it part time at weekends just because they have a nice camera and can take the odd good photograph. It's about consistency and being able to produce at least 100 images that will look great in an album.
Here's just one image from a December wedding that I attended. Hopefully you will agree with me that this image has what is the most important element of photography – timing, or as Cartier Bresson called it, 'the decisive moment'. It's these kind of those moments when you have to think fast and be ready. A second later and the girl was gone leaving behind her engrossed companions!